Saturday, March 7, 2009


So now for a good reason, other than to be healthy and to save money, I am walking litterally everywhere. I sold my car a couple of weeks ago to Alex, thanks buddy for buying it. It has been kind of a hassle to walk everywhere, not to class and work but when I need food and I have to walk to the store and back that sucks. But I am dealing with it.

I also bought a new tv, its way nice. A bit smaller than the other one I had but its way cool. I only spent 100 bucks on it so I am happy about it, Sam (from Taiwan) wanted a huge tv so when he bought his 52 inch tv he sold me his old 26 inch. I was happy to take it.

Right now it's spring break here at school and I am spending it in Ephraim alone and I guess that's okay. I will have time to work on more music and sleep a bunch. Speaking of music I have written a new song and am finishing it up. I am not quite sure what to name it yet but I'll get there eventually. I have been trying hard to write new more complicated stuff so that hopefully I'll sound a bit more, I guess mature in my music.

I found out last week that I will be able to graduate this semester if I am able to get at least a 3.25 gpa, so I have been busting my butt with school work and trying so hard to do everything and a few extra things so that I am able to make it to that gpa. I am fairly sure that I'm going to make it, so let's keep our fingers crossed.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Holy Crap

I have been awake for close to 24 hours now and I am not able to go to sleep because of the fact that I have a class soon. Which brings me to my point today, NO MORE GRAVEYARD! I agreed to take a graveyard shift at work to help one of the other workers. I need money and he needed the night off due to home issues. I fell asleep countless times during my shift tonight BUT it was so dead it didn't matter.
Now to the second point, I am walking every where now and so I walked last night to my shift and I just walked home from the place of employment, but the catch is that it has been raining, YES RAINING in january, since about 9 pm last night so that means 10 hours of rain. It was actually pretty cool though, as I walked through campus on my way home I took a little extra time to kinda soak it all in, for the first time in a long time the air was crisp and clean and it was quiet and calm on campus. It was awesome with all the fog and drizzle rain it made the once familiar campus a new place that was full of new things to see, it was really cool. But now it's getting closer to class time so I will end it there and start walking down the road again.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Back in Ephraim

Well its time to start school again, and I am at Snow College for the third year, and well I'm done with it. I spoke with a counselor today because I got a letter from the school saying that if I hit 50 credits and was still on academic probation I would be released from the school, the counselor told me to give it one more try this semester and if I don't do well just cut my losses and transfer and have UVU take what credits they will.
That is my plan now, I will work like crazy this semester and if I don't come close to graduating I am outta here. I have been in town for two weeks now and have been working and sitting around all day. I have been trying to get myself to read but all I end up doing is playing my computer or watching movies. I try but thats about as far as I get.
Well we'll see how this semester goes, hopefully well.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Still living

hmm . .......... .................................................... .............................................................. ..................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... .................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ........... ................................................................................................................ ............................................ ....................................................................................... .....................
......................................................................... Thats about all I got

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Long time ago . . . I wrote

It has been a while, but not much has happened. My birthday has come and past, Oct. 9, if you didn't know. I went to a Real Salt Lake game with Mikey. It was awesome. I also got a new laptop, thank you Brent. It was an early Christmas present, but now that I have it all I ever do is homework. It's weird, I thought I would be doing other things on it but I just end up doing my homework. I guess that's a good thing.
I hope that now I have my own easily accessed computer I will be more motivated to write, even though no one reads it. ( I like to pretend that someone does)
I have been getting more and more frustrated at work and I think it is due to my medication that I am on right now. Oh yeah another thing that is happening, I am doing tests with a doctor to see why I shake like an 80 year old man. So far he has put me on a pill to slow my heart down, a beta blocker, to see if that will help. Well . . . it doesn't. I go back in a few days to talk with him.
I got the third season of How I Met Your Mother, I am so addicted to that show but I am okay with it cause it is way funny. Though usually the shows I like no one else I show them to like them. Maybe someone, anyone, please someone read this, will read this and see what I watch and listen to and take joy in it too. . . . . . . . . That would be cool.
Well it is late and I have work tomorrow.